Tuesday, April 13, 2004

@ work (skiving)

back at work a day and already I'm buried in it. Sod this.

Off to Taipei next Tuesday for this "Japanese in Taiwan" type project; unless they change their minds in the interim, which is about 40% likely. At least it's a short week, I guess.

Planning on mountain biking this weekend so I do actually have something to look forward to.

Read in Time mag that John Gielgud's autobiography includes mention of Alec Guinness strapped to a rack in a dominattrix Dungeon;

Alec; "no, don't use the force, use the whip, dammit..."
Dom; "welcome to the dark (and somewhat seedy) side..."
Alec; "Oh, stop it with that crap will you, I'm a Thespian, for god's sake"
Dom; "Speak the words old man, you know you wanted to be him"
Alec; "OK my mistress; you're not my father!!"
Dom; "No, but I am Mark Hammil, now let's have a light sabre fight"

Oh dear.

Got a little carried away there, sorry

Read else where that 9/11 was apparently Britain's fault, this week at least.

All that sucking up to GW worked then, didn't it?

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Britain accused of 9/11 blunder

Bomer out