Morning all
It's the run up to my break for freedom. Last Friday was a melancholy day. Should have been my last day at work... Ah well, being a work whore's not so bad (I guess)
Took Mojo (now with inflated self image of stature) to the vets on the weekend for his final check-up before getting the flight this Saturday. Than started a short farce culminating in him getting an RFID tag yesterday. Go me of work early to get him to the vets so I suppose it was worth the stress. Now Mojo (the mighty) has a gadget that I don't have. Still has to crap in a bin full of sand mind...
In more terrible news I have to go to Korea today. I was really hoping to ride out my last weeks at work without the need for a further trip into the heart of my favorite culture, but it seems not. To top it off there'll be French people there As well. Just 1 1/2 days so I shall have to grin and bear it.
See you al later in the week
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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