OK, OK, stop the bus. Where the fuck did I fall off?
Although we all decry the blockbuster animation movie, I for one secretly enjoy them on a wide eyed "ooooh" level. The less acting the better, as they've always spent the budget on the CG so who wants to see what they could afford cast wise with the left-overs? I also recall mates of mine writing simple computer games at school when in their early teens and my folks talking about how the generation gap has left them stranded on the analogue beach while we were all zooming away into our computer driven paradise. I knew this would all come full circle eventually and I've just seen another symptom of it on engaget today. Take a look at this guy's site. Don't look at the BIO section until you've seen his gallery of CG stuff, the FX wars thingy with the robot trashing the car is bloody magnificent and looked a bit like the Matrix II scene, if that movie had been good and had less acting in it. There's a whole bunch of other groovy stuff aswell, although the best of the others has to be his Sony ad exercise. Right now, impressed? Look at the BIO; this little cunt's 18 years old! AAAHhhhh!!!!
Fuck it, I'm off to get me flat cap and pipe. Bloody kids murmur murmur blah blah bumbug.
Bomber out
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...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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