Monday, September 05, 2005

Wedding fashion

Dunc sent me some pictures of some of his family at a wedding, or something. He said I should post them. I agree; the world needs to see these;

Isn't she lovely? Not sure if dad's got the shot gun with him, but I'm fairly sure he's had a few sharpeners this morning already...

Ahh the lovely bride's maids. Ooh Err don't fancy your's much etc etc. As for the Groom; is that confetti or a swarm of albino dung flies?

No sign of a meringue, no siree. I can't work out if she actually is 12 months pregnant or if the dress is just supposed to make her look that way. Dad obviously had a couple more cans of Super during the ceremony

What a fine pair of lads. Question; will he call the bloke in the silly hat standing in front of him Father or Your Honour? These things can get so confusing...

Weddings wouildn't be weddings without "hat people". Hat Sluts, on the other hand, we could do without.

"Shirl; does my bum look fat in this?"
"Course not shaz, does my air look big in this?"
"Nah, but everyone can see yer gibbon"
"yeah, good innit?"

The little mermaid costume was about to win the prize...

Then mum turned up and stole the show

A late entry by the lime green little mermaid was headed off by mum

And here they are, in all their glory.

Bangers was great at the weekend, although we didn't meet any one as sleazy as that lot (believe me, we looked). Sunday's BBQ included a steak to rival the monster I devoured round at Dunc's back in July (not quite finished digesting that one yet)

2 more weeks and I'm out of here (in case you didn't know). The White Stripes are on October 30, for any interested in tickets. Let us know and we'll try and sort some out.

Bomber out