Friday, March 25, 2005

For those who didn't see the 7's pics, here they are

In no particular order

Smudge doing his lip exercises

Cat woman got quite a lot of attention. Can't see why

The bottom zip was scary. We all managed to crack one out though.

Ninjas in the lift

The ears have it

He's so cute when he's asleep

I'm so purdey!

So that's the attraction.

Sleeping pt 2

Jules came up with the phrase of the weekend; "ninja go peepee"

This may be my all time favorite picture of the ginger avenger

Sleeping pt 3

Jules and Bubble

Stealth buninja

Apparantly I watched some games

And put on some weight

I think this was just after he woke up.

Jules and Bubble again

Jules pontificates her next drinking move

That's my bubble

Rich got smurfed

Blow-up swords at the ready

The three .. err .. fat ninjas

Stealth Collis-ninja

Some bloke in a costume who thinks he looks like a ninja. Do ninjas carry mobile phones? No they bloody do not.

I think I've dropped me liver

A hearty breakfast is the essential start to every ninja's day

No body saw him coming

Jules (still) pontificating

Jules and her Rene Zellwigger impersonation. Bubble before the fall.

Theer's tons more And several which self destructed when I tried to upload them to the website but I think you get the idea. Jezzer the Lezzer decided to stay in his jeans and baseball cap. The Chav.

Bomber out