Well bugger me if I didn't win both the argument with my boss AND the one with my insurance company
After arguing at great length over the exact meaning of the phrase "reinstatement settlement" the insurance comany didn't accept my definition that it's an amount of money that may or may not be converted back into lost items (they argued the may or may not part) but did agree to pay up first with some vague notion about me giving them receipts later. 2 thousand quid's worth of beer receipts, coming your way...! Beer is "similar" to camera equipment, right?
As for the argument with my boss, it was over a travel allowance that tehy didn't want to give me. Turns out they changed the company handbook without realising that it might allow me to get an ENORMOUS 10 quid a day travel allowance. Shock horror, this one went right to the top (I kid you not.) Remember I work for a firm that gets the prince of darkness himself to authorise paperclip purchases. The result came through yesterday that they will give me DOUBLE my outstanding travel allowance claim, plus an extra 80 quid a month for future travel. This sounds great; which is why I'm sure I'm being set up for a shafting. Probably they'll move me to some N Korean rail project next month (ooh, dear, did I just say that?.)
Meanwhile have looked up Shaun of the Dead, which looks to be the best thing since Evil Dead 2 in the spoof horror Genre and a summer must see. Probably won't ever show up here 'cause Honkies got no sense of humor lah.
Have so far failed to locate requested Worm That Turned secret police pictures, will persevere.
Will try gallantly to get out on mountainbike this weekend, although expect to challenge my sport billy self with my beer-wendy-with-asperations-above-his-station self in Carnage again tonight (and possibly tomorrow)
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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