More montaingnes! in which Bomber and bubble overshoot the mountains and get fried in Southern Spain, fail to post anything and end up....
Well, part 1 is all over, we just got back to Bxl after a 1300km drive, having left the pyrenees at 9 this morning.
Pyrenees part 1, we were in Ax-Les-Thermes, very near the Andorran border. Not nearly as well set-up for downhilling (DH, Rich) with only 2 lifts open and no "prepared" DH pistes but the runs we did were really nice, all forested single track. We rode for 3 days and then headed South to hook up with Marla, a friend of Andrea's from Hong Kong and the other lynchpin in the drnken double act that was Tequila Thursdays. Andrea managed to fall off her bike quite a lot, proving that her mad skillz, while definitely there, are still in development. Of course I hooned and will be chalanging Steve Peat for the WC DH crown next year (assuming he wins it again this year of course)
Gah, fekkers, still can't get pictures to upload, even from home. Too late, I'll try again in the morning
Bomber out
The South of Spain was too effing hot, pretty much as advertised. Also it was stuffed with fat chicks and chavs, exactly as advertised. My east-london-meets-Essex-generic-working-class-tosser-accent got a good polishing. Innit. What was not advertised, and certainly came as unexpected, was the frankly shite internet access. I tried for an hour to upload some shots of us in Ax but finally gave up in frustration and necked a bottle of chilled rose-ay instead. luvleyyy. Highlights were sitting around a lot, sweating more than a lot, feeling ripped off when others turned up to use the "shared" pool, thereby lowering the tone I had set in my leopard skin thing and finally finishing Judas Released, which I have been half way through for nearly a year... Also Andrea's bruises from the biking had time to heal in preparation for Pyrenees part 2. Oh, and I bought a cowboy hat. It's wickid, innit.
Pyrenees part 2 and we went all resorty and stayed at "pyrenees 2000", a ski station above the town of Font-Romeu in the Western Pyrenees, about an hour's really fun drive from the coast at Perpingnan. This was a bit of a let down on the DH front. Their website is all full of there being lifts open and tons of DH pistes and a bike park but the truth is that there are 2 lifts open oferring about 200m vertical lift each, no bike park (perhaps they meant carpark, we saw some of them) and no, but no, prepared bike runs. That said, like Ax, their were literally hundreds of kilometres of xc (cross country, Rich) trails some of which included superb single and double track descents (roughly speaking, single= tight and twisty, double = 50 mph, Rich) I'll post the photos from Spain and P2000 tomorrow or the next day.
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My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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