A case of Aggravated Burgery?
I saw this Guardian article (accidentally, while working dead hard) today about 2 cops who are suing Burger King because the staff sprinkled a herbal surprise on their whoppers. It's notable that their lawyer never mentions the "felons" in isolation but always as employees (nay; agents) of Burger King. He does stop short of implying that it is standard BK policy to give an extra high to law enforcement. Of course, burger slingers have no money to make them worth suing for "personal injury, negligence, battery and violation of fair practices" (which apparently translates from legalese into English as "feeding someone free pot") their employers on the other hand....
London was fun, shame not to see Rich, but it was good nonetheless.
Dave, do we have a final confirmed date for the wedding in S'pore; is it Saturday the 14th, or during the week before?
Oh, saw Sky High last week. Shame really. it's not that the movie is bad per se, it's just that it had so much potential that was sadly unfulfilled. I'd still recommend a view, but I won't be ading it to my DVD wish-list. What did just move from my DVD wish-list to my actual DVD shelf, however, are the following; Batty Begins, Serenity, Usual Suspects (replacing my long abused VHS version), V for Vendetta, Steam Boy (an english language version at last, the one I had before was Chinese :P ) and SW Ep 3 (Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
...oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo) Smudge has leant us Black books (S1, 2 and 3) as well as Green Wing S1. BSG S2 to be ordered iminently from those amazing folks at ... errr ... well you know where.
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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