that worked, and not too heavy on the Kb either. I don't yet know if GPRS is even available in Sri Lanka, guess we'll find out when we get there. Definitely no laptop on this trip. May have to rely on Internet Cafes if the GPRS doesn't pan out. Hope not, they're full of smelly hippies.
Back on the PC, so I can be wordy, I have placed Andrea in charge of packing the mundane items (pants, socks, jam rags, soap and the like) and I'm nominating myself as IT/boyscout survival-type-gear packer. Oh yes, this is going to be one tecchy trip. Get away from it all? Well, that's all well and good but when you've got all these gadgets you can take with you, it all seems more worthwhile. In the current itinerary;
P900 SE mobile phone
- for writing blogs on and avoiding both internet cafes and Cable and Wireless outlets with (for aforementioned hippy infestation reasons)
Ipod (20G)
- Got all my tunes in, none of that "traditional" music for me, no sir
Belkin Battery pack for pod
- Incase the pod's away from the juice too long
Creative battery powered amp speakers
- for pod
Seinheisser PX25 headphones, with noise canceller
- For pod, so Indon't have to listen to people tell me to "look at the cute tiger" or "have you got any toilet paper" or "I thought you were packing your own underwear" etc etc
Panasonic Lumix digi camera
- beach photos always make those poor wageslaves still at work so jealous, especially when they receive them delivered to their Dilbert cubes and they KNOW you're still on the beach
Mag Lite
- In case of (probable) power outage
- so I can build a tree house, or something
1st aid kit
- In case I cut myself or get a splinter building treehouse
That's me done, how's the knicker packing going, love?
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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