Guardian Unlimited Film | Interviews | Paul Schrader talks to Xan Brooks:
"the making of Exorcist: The Beginning has blossomed into a Hollywood sideshow that threatens to eclipse whatever version finally sees the light of day. The idea was to shoot a story set 30 years before William Friedkin's 1973 classic, pivoting around an exorcism in 1940s Kenya. The director [Schrader] envisaged it as a 'character-driven period drama' that steered clear of spinning heads and pea-soup vomit."
What; no pea soup vomit?!
[so Schreader gets sacked and now being made...what] "industry wags have dubbed "the sequel to the prequel of the Exorcist". Harlin (Die Harder) will be credited as director, while Schrader is airbrushed out of existence. Instead of a pungent, slow-burning religious thriller, the new version will feature oodles of gross-out horror."
Ah, OK, more pea soup vomit. I was beginning to get worried. Yippee Kayay etc etc
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