Friday, February 04, 2005

Well, that's that decided then

Dave's email of this morning, in which he went as far as to make up some shite about a company going bankrupt (so new hires are off while the industry stands by picking lint out of it's collective navel waiting for something to happen) to cover the fact that his boss doesn't want to hire me and that Dave's hitherto unbeatable powers of persuasion finally met their match in trying to sell my CV, has cemented our decision to head to europe this summer.

Yes, the barbies and surfing are out, we will have waffles, fruity beer and chocolate in the heart of the EU. I intend to spend a full year avoiding Balgian chocolate in favour of Dairy milk, which the Belgian "chocolate lobby" tried to get renamed confectionary milk bar or somesuch by the EU and anything German in favor of anything English (pork bangers, or "reconstituted sawdust with fat dripping in a bag" as the Sausage lobby would have it.)

Keep the Southern hemisphere safe for us, we'll get there eventually, just not this year.

Now the decision is made, I need a drink and on top of last night's hangover, what better cue for a song entitleed "first drink of the day"?


Bomber out